
Hello! My name is Juliet Weaver. Your Posture Alignment Specialist (PAS) with Posture Alignment of Maryland. I discovered posture alignment therapy in 2016 after seeking anything and everything I could think of for my chronic hip pain.

I have always been an extremely active person. I have taken pleasure participating in running, step aerobic classes, sports training classes, biking, hiking, swimming, weight lifting, pilates, barre, skiing, daily walks with my dog, practicing Yoga since 1998 and teaching since 2012. Being active is a very important aspect to the quality of my life and chronic hip pain kept me from the active lifestyle I loved.

In 2007, after training for and running in the New York Marathon, I began experiencing constant pain in my left hip. I blamed it on running and switched my exercise routine accordingly which was was manageable, for a while. However, the pain returned and slowly began to worsen. I saw my doctor who wanted me to see a specialist. I saw a physical therapist who said there was nothing more she could have me do that I was not already doing for myself, and mentioned when it gets worse surgery would be my next option. I saw an acupuncturist, and a neuromuscular massage therapist. I tried different stretching and rolling techniques. Nothing would help alleviate the pain for longer than a few minutes, and I desperatly wanted to avoid surgery if possible.

One day while standing in front of a full length mirror I noticed deviations in my own posture. One shoulder higher than the other, a rotation in my torso, my knee caps turned inward, my feet turned out and supination in my feet. I thought to myself there must be a link between my posture and my pain. After some online research I discovered Pete Egoscue’s books “Pain Free” and “The Egoscue Method of Health Through Motion”. The information in these books made so much sense and it became clear why I was experiencing pain. After utilizing the few exercise menus suggested in these books I began to finally feel some change in my pain. This led me to seek therapy from an Egoscue certified PAS . I began my therapy, driving to the nearest clinic I could find which was 3 hours each way. I finally had days without pain, which eventually turned into weeks then months and now I am pain free. I run and participate in all the activities that had become too painful. As a Posture Alignment client I had been given the tools to alleviate my pain if it reoccurred and to be able to live my life again. I quickly decided I wanted to be able to help other people suffering as I had. This is why I became certified in The Egoscue Method as a Posture Alignment Specialist and have brought Posture Alignment Therapy to Maryland.

Contact me today to schedule your free posture evaluation!