
What can I expect during an appointment?

Each appointment is a one-on-one session. Your first appointment will last approximately 90 minutes and each follow up appointment will last about 60 minutes. You will meet with me, Juliet, your personal Posture Alignment Specialist (PAS). I will take time to learn about your medical history, your current concerns, limitations, and your goals. I will take photos of you from the front, sides, and the rear. We will use these photos to discuss and evaluate your specific posture deviations. At this point, I will create a menu of exercises to improve your posture and guide you through each exercise. This menu will be emailed to you with instructional videos of each exercise along with your posture photos and access to our Posture Alignment smartphone app. You will then follow your menu each day at home. Sessions are weekly or bi-monthly depending on your needs.

Who can benefit from posture alignment therapy?

Do you have pain in your body? Your back, neck, knee, shoulder, etc… Do you notice that you have poor posture? A dowager’s hump? Bowed legs? Pigeon toes? Tech neck? Scoliosis? Rotation in the body? Do you have limited mobility in your shoulders or hips? Are you experiencing a lack of proper function? Or are you unable to enjoy activities that you once loved? If you answered yes to any of these questions then you could benefit from posture alignment therapy.

Better Posture. Better Life.